Artful LearningHow It Works

Artful Learning employs an interdisciplinary framework that is anchored by a central Concept while posing a Significant Question that allow educators to teach a broad spectrum of rigorous academic content. Studying through the lens of the arts generates a measurably deeper level of comprehension and retention in students PreK through high school.
How It Works
Step 1
All learning content, modalities and initiatives are reviewed by educators to construct a curriculum map. Interdisciplinary connections are made between all Subject Areas of Focus.
Step 2
A rigorous Unit of Study is developed to follow the Artful Learning Sequence and Framework.
Step 3
Students actively investigate their learning through this concept-based, interdisciplinary Unit of Study utilizing the arts and the artistic process to express their understanding of all content.
• Increased student engagement
• Students display understanding at a higher cognitive level through metaphorical thinking
• Improved student academic performance
• Emboldened educator and leadership practices
• Transformed school culture and community
Professional Learning
It all begins with curious educators and leaders committing to three years of professional development to learn and implement the Artful Learning model.
In addition to providing educators with a vibrant approach to reimagining teaching and learning, it empowers arts specialists in music, visual arts, theatre, dance, media arts and technology to integrate and expand their role as essential collaborators with developing experiences for every learner.
Contact us to learn how we can customize the Artful Learning framework to advance the vision for your school.
The Sequence
Experience | Inquire | Create | Reflect
Artful Learning uses a distinctive four-phase sequence for curriculum planning, delivery and assessment as well as identified strategies for school transformation. The sequence may be applied to any existing curricula by incorporating the arts and the artistic process across all academic disciplines.
Uses a Masterwork linked to a Concept and Significant Question as catalysts to engage all students.
Students experience and respond to a large Concept using a Masterwork (art, music, drama, dance, scientific innovation, architecture, literature, mathematical formula, etc.) and respond through sight, sound and movement. Serving as a catalyst for immediate student engagement, the Masterwork awakens ideas, emotions and new understandings through visual, auditory and kinesthetic modalities. Students leave this phase curious and wanting to know more.
Leads students through research and inquiry-based investigation to new hypotheses.
Students begin a substantive investigation triggered by questions and observations generated by the Masterwork experiences. A Significant Question guides the inquiry. Students employ a variety of research techniques and hands-on explorations, using the interdisciplinary content to investigate the subject matter even more deeply.
Brings students’ original ideas to product and project-based outcomes.
Students design and complete an Original Creation – a tangible, artistic manifestation that synthesizes and demonstrates their understanding of their newly acquired knowledge. By focusing on how best to represent the academic content from their unit of study, students’ thinking moves from divergent to convergent. They first construct a prototype, then continue to evaluate and revise their work until their final product, the Original Creation, is ready for presentation.
Guides students through documenting and interpreting their understanding.
Students ponder the journey they have taken through the Unit of Study and ask Deepening Questions about what and how they learned. They document this process through detailed narratives, maps and metaphors. Students discover new ideas and connections while also considering practical applications of their new knowledge. Going through the process in the Unit of Study, students have acquired valuable new skills which will help them become more self-directed as learners.