Artful LearningImpact

Documentary-Short - How Did You Learn Today? | The Artful Learning Case Study Film
Artful Learning Schools have been transforming education across the United States for over twenty years. A new documentary film offers deeper insights into the methodology and the community in Napa, California - making a difference.
Since the inception of Artful Learning - over 250,000 students have been exposed to this new way of thinking and learning.
Educators, principals and artists use the framework every day.
Students used the model today.
Sustainable Framework
Artful Learning professional learning provides a school design component that builds a sustainable infrastructure - customized to the specific needs of the school and district.
The three-year intensive of professional learning also builds a Three-Year Sustainability Plan that emboldens capacity for maintaining the Artful Learning framework. Long-term benefits include higher student engagement and improved academic performance.
Creative Process
Uses the arts and the artistic process to increase student engagement and improve academic achievement.
Powerful Framework
Provides a framework for exploring and delivering curriculum that revitalizes teaching, learning and leadership.
Relevant Professional Learning
Facilitates a three-year professional learning series for teachers and the school leadership team.
Customized Support
Adapts to any educational system for seamless integration and sustainability.
Differentiated Instruction
Empowers educators to develop differentiated instruction that meets the needs of all learners.